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About us

MuseMaps is founded by a team of individuals who respect the preciousness of the Earth and who are intrigued by the beauties it offers. They relentlessly seek ways to increase conciousness of the wonders of our planet and to create more awareness of our place and role in the system.


The maps of MuseMaps illustrate the elements of the world we all live on. MuseMaps offers you all that matters at a glance: from the Amazon to the Serengeti highlands and from the Great Lakes in North America to the Indonesian Archipelago. MuseMaps offers representations of the different aspects of the world. 


Whether you prefer to gaze upon her during winter or summer, by day or by night, on a cloudy or a clear day, MuseMaps brings several different views of our precious earth. In addition, MuseMaps also offers several artistic impressions of the map of the world created to evoke emotions, make statements, and enhance our appreciation for the diverse nature of the earth and her inhabitants.


MuseMaps can supply a map that fits in your world.

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